The Kingdom of the Beavers
I start my story I would like to introduce myself and tell you what I
do. My name is Arthael the
explorer. I am an elf and my job, or what
I like to refer to as my calling in life, is to visit cultures and
lands throughout the world and write about them. I take my job very
seriously and I feel I must do it properly. So, what I do to
accomplish that is to find a culture I think sounds interesting, go
to visit it, learn their history and everything I can about them, and
then I write it down in my journey guide so I may bring it to you, my
When I first became an explorer I had
heard rumors of there being a Kingdom of Beavers in a far off land
and thought it would be a good place to start my career. I journeyed
for many days and just as I was getting discouraged I saw an odd
sight coming down the road. It was a beaver walking upright with very
fine clothing on! He came up to me and said (to my surprise) “What
might you be looking for my good Elf?” I replied, “I am in search
of a kingdom of beavers. Do you know where it is?” He turned and
pointed behind him and said, “Follow this road for about ten miles
and you will reach it.” This brought a huge smile to my face and I
thanked him profusely and headed off.
After taveling many hours I came
in sight of a huge wooden wall. The wall looked to be a large circle
that was many miles round and there were guard towers spaced every
quarter mile along it. I soon came to the main gate of the kingdom.
When I reached it, I was met by a kind young beaver in what looked to
be a guard outfit. He asked my name and purpose for coming to their
kingdom. After explaining things to him, he took me through the gate
and one of his fellow guards offered to lead me to the palace. He
brought me before the King, and after I told the King my occupation
and who I was, he very graciously gave me permission to write about
his kingdom and said he wished to pay me handsomely. The King also
provided me with a nice room in the palace, a personal guide, access
to historical documents, and freedom to wander through the whole
kingdom. After much research, I wrote out my story and here it is for
you to read.
Please enjoy!
Kingdom of the Beavers
Long ago, in a far off land there was
a colony of two hundred beavers who decided to settle along a wide
river with a large lake at the end of it. These beavers were unlike
any beaver we would think of, because they could talk, think, read,
and walk upright like people.
Now most beavers just build dams to
live in, but this colony wanted much, much more. First off, they
made a log wall that went in a twenty mile circle around part of the
river and all of the lake. They also built guard towers on the wall.
It took the beavers two whole years to finish. The next project to
complete was the building of many beautiful houses, which took the
next five years to finish.
Then they built a wooden castle right
in front of the lake, which took them three more years. The castle
had four towers, a ballroom, a large cellar, the royal kitchen, an
armory, a treasure room, the banquet room, many bedrooms, and a
throne room. Soon after the castle was finished, a king was crowned
whose name was King Gnawbert the first. The royal lineage would pass
on down through his descendants from oldest son to oldest son.
The building of the kingdom did not
stop after the amazing feats mentioned above had been finished. With
the beaver population having reached eight-hundred there was need of
more food and a way to store it. To do this they planted corn and
barley, and made wooden bins that were twelve feet tall and six feet
wide to store it in. To prepare the corn and barley the beavers built
mills to grind it into flour. The other food sources were fishing,
and huge vegetable gardens.
With a mighty river and a beautiful
lake being the centerpiece's of the Kingdom, the beavers made full
use of them both. In the center of the lake, a large city was built
on a large wooden platform. It had everything a beaver could want,
and many of them left their houses to live there. The lake city
served as the main harbor for the kingdom, with many boats, most for
fishing, and some for fun. Along the river were many docks and five
harbors. It was an awesome sight to go down the river and see all
that the beavers had made, along with the pretty boats and the
sailors sailing them.
Now that the basic needs were met, the
beavers began focusing on improving their lives. The first step they took was to figure out some simple way of
recording their history. What they came up with was paper! A special
forest was set aside to provide wood for producing it. When trees
were ready, the beavers cut them down and sent them to the royal
paper mill near the castle. At the very beginning, paper was only
used by a few beavers who knew how to write. It was mainly used for
keeping records of the kingdom and its history. After a few years of
that King and his council felt that it would be good for the kingdom
if every beaver could read and write. The goal was to have every
beaver able to read by their fifth birthday (beaver years are
different than human years). To accomplish this goal, schools were
built and teachers trained. Every beaver child was required to go
from the age of four until they reached their tenth year, which was
their coming of age.
The beavers did not like the idea of
going around in just their fur all day. It wasn't sophisticated. So
they made clothing for themselves out of cotton, which they grew
outside the main city. Now one thing to note is that the beavers
were quite finicky about their clothing and only wore the finest.
The beavers could buy their clothing from stores which were located
in every town or village.
With the beaver's desire for
sophistication their teeth posed a problem. The problem was that a
beaver or rodents teeth grow their entire life and unless they gnaw
or chew wood everyday their teeth can grow into their head and kill
them. And chewing is improper or rude for any beaver to do. To remedy
this problem dentistry was introduced to the kingdom. Each week all
beavers were required to visit their town dentist for teeth trimming
and cleaning.
Another part of being
sophisticated (by beaver standards) was to collect things such as
carved animal figures, shiny stones, toys, and small trinkets. Huge
fairs and bazaars were put on every year where beavers could show
their collections and vendors could sell their wares of every make of
collectible. The idea of collecting is taught to beavers at a very
young age, and those who do not collect anything are thought to be
Even though the beavers are
highly intelligent, they can still get sick or wounded, so healthcare
was needed. In the early years of the kingdom the beavers' knowledge
of healing and medicine was very limited, so a great deal of time was
spent increasing that knowledge. They found many things in nature
that they could use for medicine, healing of wounds, ways to repair
broken bones, and many other health issues. This knowledge the
beavers gained was very helpful, but they needed someone responsible
to use it. To accomplish this task King Gnawbert had a medical school
built where doctors and nurses could be trained. The King issued a
decree that each small village should have at least one doctor and
two nurses, and each city should have five doctors and twelve nurses.
Beavers are experts when it comes
to wood, but a city needs more than wood for building. For these
needs they used stone and iron. It just so happened that the beavers
discovered stone hills just outside the main wall surrounding the
kingdom. After removing some of the stone, a grey substance was found
running through the stone hill. The beavers didn't know it right
then, but they had discovered iron ore! It took them many months to
learn how to use it but when they did it was very helpful.
Being in a large kingdom there is
plenty of work to do and the kingdom of the beavers was no exception.
So with that being the case there was no lack of jobs. Each beaver
child was encouraged to spend one year after completing school to
choose and train for a career of their choice. The most popular jobs
tended to be anything dealing with wood. There was also another
option that only the most daring would choose. It was to travel the
The last area of beaver society I
want to mention is animals. The love of animals started at the very
top with King Gnawbert and trickled down to the small beaver child.
The King had animals that most of his subjects could not afford such
as miniature pony's, exotic parrots, lobsters, a Kangeroo, and
trained falcons. Most of the commoners had ferrets, chipmunks,
goldfish, turtles, and small dogs.
Even though it's been many years
since the founding of the kingdom of the beavers, the kingdom still
remains and has nearly tripled in size. The current ruler is King
Gnawbert the fourteenth and he gladly welcomes visitors like you and
me to come and see the Kingdom of the Beavers.
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